Xray Tech Training

If you are looking for x-ray technician training there are many things to look for, and many choices to make about your education. It is possible to use your high school diploma or GED to enter the field with no further educational requirements. The problem with that is most employers prefer to hire people with additional training. The vast majority of your competition will have the additional training and they will get the job and you will not.

Having a certificate of achievement, an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree will move you to the front of the employment line, it will help you get the job, earn the respect of your co-workers, and earn a higher beginning salary. Your first step may be to contact your local hospitals and see if you can shadow and experienced x-ray tech and see the job performed in depth so you can be sure this is the career for you.

Educational Choices and Income Potential

Formal x-ray technician training is certainly the best choice. As you search for educational resources, make sure the facilities you put on your list of possibilities are fully accredited. The accreditation process was put in place to assure a uniform program so the students will be completely equipped to perform the responsibilities of the position.

The best xray tech training school for you to attend is one that offers both classroom and clinical settings for hands-on practice. You will learn about imaging techniques, patient care, anatomy, ethics and pathology. There should be extensive training on ways to protect yourself and your patient from radiation. As you collect knowledge and experience in the field, naturally your income potential increases. You can expect, with a proper education, an approximate income of $55,000. While a starting salary may be under that, a seasoned x-ray technician can expect more. Your income potential may also depend on where you choose to use your skills.