What You Will Learn in Basic Phlebotomist training

Basic phlebotomy training involves learning the profession, using care with patients, adhering to patient privacy laws and being prepared.  As part of basic training you will learn to do all of these things.  To be a good phlebotomist you will want to adhere to these training tips.  

Learn the Profession

You will have to go to choose between phlebotomy schools for basic phlebotomy training.  This can be done over the internet or in a classroom.  Both have their good points.  Online schools are usually quicker since you can learn as quickly as you want to.  You could finish your classes in as little as a few short months.  If you want to take your time and stretch it out that is alright too.  Offline classrooms offer more clinical studies and hands-on learning.  This definitely has it high points.  It will take you longer to finish as classes are set up to finish at the same time.  You don’t work at your own speed.

Use Care with Patients

Some basic phlebotomy training will have you be careful with the patients you draw blood from.  That means easing their minds.  Many people are afraid of needles and will get very nervous about having blood drawn.  It is up to you to calm these people and reassure them that they have nothing to fear.

It is also up to you to make sure diseases that are contagious aren’t spread.  There are many contagious diseases that spread through the blood.  When you draw blood make sure you wash your hands before and after each blood draw.  Always wear gloves.  These two things are very important and protect you as well as the patient.  A patient should refuse to let you draw blood unless you are wearing gloves.  This is not a patient being difficult but careful.

Be Prepared

Basic phlebotomy training will teach you to have all the supplies that you need to do a blood draw.  This would mean always having syringes, collection tubes, gloves, alcohol pads, tape and a tourniquet when getting ready to draw blood.

Learn more about phlebotomy now. Find out how ASCP phlebotomy certification can benefit you.